Chef ✦ Voice Actor ✦ Writer

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.

"By Heka's grace, we prevail." - Ciri

About Me

About Me

Written: 5/13/2024

Lady Ciri was born in 1164 BCE within the walls of the royal palace during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses III. As the daughter of one of the Pharaoh's esteemed consorts, she was raised under the protective wings of the temple of Heka. By the age of 28, she had ascended to the revered position of high priestess and gained the favor of Heka, the Egyptian god, who transformed her into a Sphinx to guard his temple.

Ciri embodies the oujodere archetype, characterized by her prim and proper demeanor and strict exterior. She is well-mannered and well-spoken, offering advice with a calm and reassuring presence.

As a Sphinx, Ciri possesses unique abilities. She has necromantic powers, allowing her to communicate with spirits, revive people within a day of their death, and create undead minions from animals and beasts. She can heal both minor and grievous wounds. Ciri can manipulate her size, naturally standing at 66ft, she is able to change her height to 16ft when needed.

Ciri's appearance is striking and otherworldly. Her eyes captivate with their intense, yellowish-orange sclera and sparkling burnt orange irises, complete with large, round pupils reminiscent of a lion's gaze. Her long, dark lashes and brows starkly contrast her lighter hair, adding to her mesmerizing look. Atop her head, she has lioness ears instead of human ones; fangs and lion's tail further accentuate her lionine nature.

As a unique feature among Egyptian Sphinxes, Ciri was bestowed with majestic eagle wings, a characteristic more commonly attributed to Greek Sphinxes, setting her apart from her kin. Her hands and feet exhibit a beautiful gradient from dark to light, and she adorns her forearms with intricate decorative henna, a nod to her Egyptian heritage.

In present times, Ciri seeks to revitalize the Cult of Heka, attracting new worshippers and continuing its legacy. She aims to provide a safe and familial place for her followers, offering them a sense of belonging and purpose.

Lady of the Nile - About Me

Lady of the Nile

Moniker:Ciri سيري
Residence:Temple of Heka, Egypt
Species:Sphinx, Mythical Monster
Hair Color:Platinum Blonde
Eye Color:The sclera are a yellowish-orange and the irises are a sparkling burnt orange.
Unique Traits:Clawed nails, Traditional henna art, Lion ears and tail, Glowing eyes, Fangs, Eagle wings, and Glowing underwings.
Language:Common, Draconic, Supernal
Love Interest:Chaste, Devoted to Heka
Relatives:King Ramesses III (Father), Royal Consort Isra (Mother)
Occupation:High Priestess
Abilities:Resurrection, Healing, Spirit Communication, Flight, Iron-Skin, Enhanced Physical Strength, Enhanced Senses, Dark Vision, Roar
Weakness:Hand-to-hand combat

The Sphinx of Heka

The Sphinx of Heka

Written: June 17th, 2023
Revealed: October 8th, 2024

In an epoch where Egypt's grandeur was unparalleled, bathed in the golden light of gods and Pharaohs, Ciri was born to a beloved consort of King Ramesses III. Her life was destined to be a golden prison. Yet, her mother, with a vision unclouded by the glitter of the palace, sought a different fate for her precious child. To keep her untouched by the suffocating silks of the royal harem, Ciri was entrusted to the temple of Heka, the deity of mysticism and healing. Far from the gilded hallways of the palace, she was nurtured amidst ancient scrolls and whispered chants. Knowledge flowed as freely as the Nile, and Ciri drank deeply.

As the sands of time shifted, a profound transformation overtook her. Her beauty unfurled like the rarest lotus on the shimmering Nile, while an unwavering dedication took root in her soul. This ethereal combination of grace and passion captured the attention of Heka. The mighty god, often aloof to mortal matters, found himself irresistibly captivated. In Ciri, he saw more than just another devotee. She embodied devotion, her spirit radiant as the most precious gem.

Recognizing her unique spirit, Heka bestowed upon Ciri an ancient gift: the very essence of life. Her fingertips danced with divine energy, enabling her to mend wounds, defy death, and commune with spirits. She became a bridge between life and the death. Heka, in his wisdom, knew such potential needed both protection and a symbol. He chose to mold her into a Sphinx, marrying knowledge with guardianship. Yet, the weight of such gifts demanded safeguarding. Fearing that the allure of her powers might bring doom, Heka enshrouded Ciri within a temple, where magic suspended her in timeless slumber.

Aeons ebbed and flowed, empires rose and crumbled, and the whispers of ancient Egypt faded into enigmatic legends. Ciri's temple, too, surrendered to obscurity, buried beneath the relentless desert sands. Stirred by curiosity and tales of old, a group of explorers pierced the temple's hidden heart, accidentally shattering Heka's seal. Awakened, Ciri gazed upon a world transformed, poised to unveil its enigmas and extend her sanctuary to the new souls searching for a home.

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.

Fan Guide Rules

Fan Guide Rules

Created on: 5/13/2024

Please note that these guidelines are for your protection and to prevent any potential legal complications:

  • Do not sell fanmade work containing official Ciri's model assets.
  • Please do not sexualize Ciri as it makes her uncomfortable.
  • Sexual advances, including flirting when Ciri is unfamiliar with you is a big no. This is reserved for a special few.
  • It's important to make it clear your fan work is unofficial and not directly affiliated with Ciri.
  • Do not use my character or her story for RP!
  • Never make nude or explicit artwork of Ciri. This is strictly forbidden.
  • This character is copyright protected.
  • My fan guide policy may be subject to change at any time for any reason without warning.
  • If you do make fan work, please share it via Twitter! I would love to see it and make sure to use the correct tags!
  • Your creative expressions contribute immeasurably to the vibrant community we're building together. However, it's vital that we respect the intellectual property rights of all creators. To that end, please refrain from utilizing fan art crafted by other creators, unless you have procured prior permission from the respective artist.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can foster a respectful and creative community, while ensuring that everyone's rights are upheld. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.



Created on: 5/13/2024
  • What can we call you? You can call me Ciri, Lady Ciri, CC, Auntie, Saint Ciri, Big Sis, Big C, or Oneesan. However, please avoid using pet names like babe, love, cutie, hun, or sweetie. It makes me very uncomfortable. Terms of endearment are something I reserve for very personal relationships. If you're unsure if it's okay, please reach out to me, and don't be offended if I politely decline. Please make a conscious effort to respect this boundary.
  • Can I call you mommy? I don't mind it, as long as you don't sexualize it.
  • Do you support LGBTQIA? As an individual who identifies as bi and demisexual, I am proud to be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • Do you have any disabilities? I have a formal diagnosis of high-functioning autism and ADHD (inattentive). For those unfamiliar with these complex neurological conditions, ADHD (inattentive) is characterized by problems with concentration, organization, and time management. High-functioning autism can manifest in various ways, such as difficulties with social interaction, formal ways of speaking, and sensory processing issues. Both conditions offer unique benefits and struggles, underscoring the importance of accepting and understanding individuals who have them. I mask extremely well in my day-to-day life, and years of cognitive behavioral therapy have helped me a lot to rewire my brain. So I understand if people have a hard time realizing this about me. But yes, I have AuDHD.
  • I heard you have an illness? Unfortunately, yes. I inherited two genetic variants for celiac disease, so I actually have it and it's not just “Omg, I cannot eat gluten.” I also inherited hereditary hemochromatosis genes from my father, which causes my anemia. I have stage 4 endometriosis (it's spread to other parts of my body) and PCOS, which both cause IBS. These conditions are not caused by anything I did; I was just unlucky. Because these are endocrine diseases, they eventually cause other medical problems. My thyroid and adrenal glands have now been affected.
  • Why do you take a lot of short breaks during the stream? I have IBS, which can be quite challenging, especially when I unknowingly consume something that irritates my stomach and I need to take a bathroom break. I also pride myself in being a responsible pet owner, I need to take my dogs out for bathroom breaks during longer streams. Lastly, my medical condition requires me to snack frequently between medication doses to avoid stomach issues.
  • Can I re-upload your clips? You're welcome to create your own edits of Ciri's content and even make money from them on your own channels! It's important to credit me properly if you choose to do so. However, it is absolutely forbidden to monetize any content you wish to reupload from my main platforms, such as Entire Twitch VOD or YouTube Shorts.
  • How big is Ciri? Ciri spans approximately 73 meters (240 feet) from nose to tail, with a towering height of 20 meters (66 feet), and a weight of around 160,000 tons. However she can make herself 'smaller' at a modest 16ft (that is the height of a giraffe for reference).
  • Can I use some of the information for my own page? I'm so glad you love my webpage. I spent a lot of time on everything, from the writing to the coding, and I'm very proud of it. However, please do not plagiarize my work. If you wish to use anything I've created, such as my fan page, you must credit me on whatever page you feel inspired by and also on your credit page. It's okay to be inspired, but it costs nothing to give credit where it's due.

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.

Encyclopedia Entries

Encyclopedia Entries


One of the most prominent gods in Egyptian mythology is Heka, the god of magic and medicine. The etymology of Heka's name comes from the ancient Egyptian language. The word heka (or spelled as hike) meant magic and referred to the god, the practice, and the concept of magic. Heka was a neutral force regarded as neither good nor bad.


A Sphinx is a mythical creature from ancient lore, combining elements of human and beast. In Egyptian mythology, Sphinxes are typically shown as having the body of a lion and the head of a human, often depicted as male and wingless. This contrasts with the Greek tradition where the Sphinx might have wings and is often female.

Greek Sphinx

The Greek Sphinx is an iconic figure rooted in the legendary tale of Oedipus. Depicted as a winged female with a reputation for mystery and dread, she is most famous for the riddle she presented to those who wished to enter the city of Thebes. The Greek Sphinx was a malevolent force, devouring anyone unable to answer her riddle correctly, symbolizing destruction and calamity.

Egyptian Sphinx

The Egyptian Sphinx, distinct from its Greek counterpart, serves as a symbol of ancient Egyptian religious and royal ideology. Typically portrayed as a male with a lion's body and the head of a pharaoh, these sphinxes are wingless and embody strength and authority. Their primary role as guardians of temples and tombs positions them as protectors against evil, aligning them closely with pharaonic power and wisdom.


Meroë, the Chimera Cub, is the beloved mascot of Ciri’s Channel. Named after the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Kush, Meroë was discovered in the historic city following the tragic loss of his mother to a hunter. His name is pronounced "mur-ow-ee."

Egyptian Priest and Priestess

In ancient Egypt, priests, known as "Hem-netjer" and priestesses as "Hemet-netjer," served as servants of the gods, with high priests holding the title "Hem-netjer-tepy" or "First Servant of the God". Typically ascending to their roles later in life, these individuals were often from the elite or royal family, combining religious duties with significant political influence. Their responsibilities included maintaining temples, performing rituals, overseeing festivals, and conducting funerary rites essential for upholding ma'at, the cosmic order vital for the state and individual well-being.

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.


Hello, I'm Skelly, the creative force behind Ciri. Born in the '80s and molded by the '90s, I first stepped into the public eye as a published alternative model and promotional model at conventions in the early 2000s. I've always found myself in the spotlight, albeit reluctantly. My journey into VTubing emerged from a desire to manage my anxiety while being able to entertain without the gaze of an audience, and yes, without having to wear pants!

Culinary arts is where my heart truly lies. I studied molecular gastronomy at Le Cordon Bleu and pursued a formal education in Food Science. Cooking is not just a skill for me; it's my ultimate expression of creativity and a way to share comfort and joy.

My quarter Egyptian heritage, inherited from my maternal grandmother, has deeply influenced my VTubing persona and inspired the design of my latest VTuber model. Although my voice acting began in a corporate setting, providing a convincingly robotic tone for training videos and automated services. I'm now eager to channel this experience into VTubing and show my range.

Madame C

Madame C

Blood Type:A+
Color Palette:Dark Autumn
Style:Whimsical goth, 90’s corporate siren
Interests:Cooking, glamping, live orchestra, operas, reading, ren faires, retro games, saunas, scary movies, skincare, soulsborne specific games, tabletop games, traveling, weight lifting, writing
Likes:Ahi tuna sashimi, coffee, dark chocolate, green apples, grilled pineapple with rum and brown sugar, halloween, herbal teas, jacket potato, pomegranates, rum, sour candy, tarte tatin, chankonabe
Dislikes:Blue-veined cheeses, close-minded people, dishonesty, fast food, gossips, smoking, willful ignorance

© Ciri 2024. All rights reserved.